
Mr. Yubaraj Bastakoti


Mr. Bastakoti , the middle aged, highly academic personality in Nepal, who is presently a Doctor of Philosophy ( PhD) scholar in Tribhuvan University. He is not only popular academician but also a very prominent hospitality manager. He has compiled many research works related to tourism trade in Nepal.He always writes and shows his direct concern to tourism security and promotion in the nation.

Mr. Bastakoti , as the Director of  our company would be more reliable and tourists friendly in many aspects. He is the person having lots of experiences and knowledge about   culture, ethnic diversity, national heritages, int´l heritages in Nepal and modern people's interest to enjoy the same.

We have conviction of growing tourists friendly business through our company. We always work for full fledged satisfaction of our guests ;  trekkers and travellers. To achieve our goal, Mr. Bastakoti plays vital role of course , as he is a multi talent and experienced  personality. To deliver our qualitative service  to the tourists he can contribute high level management skills that he deserves. In his leadership , we can overcome any type of hindrances we may have in future too.

Mr. Bastakoti has been studying Nepal from multi dimonsional ways. He has collected knowledge of Nepal´s original norms and values from primitive  era. Of course, we are here to share the real picture of Nepal. We know tourists entertain originality or totally natural for what Mr. Bastakoti is a wise person who can maintain for you through our company´s service.
